Introducing Matthew Von-Maszewski,
Consultant and Contract Developer

I love to write code.

My career in professional software development began when I was fourteen. For this first consulting experience, I developed a general ledger package for a high powered micro-computer of that day (32K of RAM and three 72K 5.25 inch floppy diskette drives). This general ledger package was the first of many fully functional software systems I have delivered through direct employment and contract over the past 25 years.

Over these same years, I have read and experienced many positive and negative methodologies for software development management. It is interesting that the positive development organizations follow fundamentals written as early as the 1970s. The negative development organizations considered themselves beyond the fundamentals, or just ignored them. More than once, I have been asked to be an agent of change in these latter organizations.

Today I work as a hired gun. Either I write code as needed, or I assist in laying out an execution plan for creating a sustainable development organization. These are the services I can provide to you.

Please contact me directly with any questions and/or opportunities for discussion:

Papers and Presentations
The Initial, Essential Startup Development Department
presentation for Sanas Technologies
Delighting Customers (via Requirements Management)
web brief with On-Fire Associates
Schedule Performance
web brief with On-Fire Associates
Miss a Schedule and Kill the Company
presentation to Society of Concurrent Product Development with On-Fire Associates
Role of Contributor to Predictable Software Development
presentation to Korea Polytechnic University (Adobe pdf)
Predictable Software Development
Book proposal and outline for small software companies
gnumake for automated multi-platform builds
Application of gnumake for building Windows and Linux software from one set of sources and build files.